Site Council Evaluations

August 5, 2013 – 9:21 am

Here is the link to view the complete document (all schools) of the 2012-2013 Site Council Evaluations.

End-of-Year News

June 6, 2013 – 10:40 am

Thank you for staying up to date by visiting the Site Council’s blog. The minutes from the April and May meetings will be uploaded in the next couple of weeks for your reading pleasure.

The next meeting of the Council will be in September 2013.

District School Board Meets in Seward Monday

May 5, 2013 – 1:42 pm

Please visit this link (Seward City News) to read about this meeting!

Where: Seward High School

When: 7:00 PM, Monday, May 6, 2013

The Kenai Peninsula Borough Board of Education will meet in Seward High School Monday, May 6th at 7:00 PM and will also hold a variety of work sessions during the afternoon. The board meets in Seward once a year.  Several agenda items address local education concerns and issues, such as the status of the proposed move of sixth grade to Seward Middle School.

Please plan to attend!


Minutes from March Meeting

April 18, 2013 – 6:05 pm

Minutes are available from the March 2013 meeting. Please click to the “Meeting Minutes” tab to download them.

Site-Based Council Meets Tonight

April 11, 2013 – 1:14 pm

The monthly meeting of the Seward Schools Site-Based Council is tonight at 6:30 at the Seward Elementary library. You are welcome to attend.

Thursday Night Meeting

March 20, 2013 – 6:26 am

Monthly meeting is this Thursday night, March 21, 2013, at 6:30 PM in the Seward Elementary Library. Public is welcome.


March 5, 2013 – 5:05 pm


Please take it soon if you haven’t yet, as the members of the Seward Schools Site-Based Council need & value your input. It is a confidential survey. Demographic information in the survey is gathered for the purpose of understanding the audience that replied as a whole.

YOUR VOICE, OUR SCHOOLS The Seward Middle School forecasts low enrollment in the coming years and seeks to stabilize its programs and staffing. Out of six scenarios being discussed, one is to move the 6th grade from the elementary school to the middle school. All community members, including teenagers, people without children, and grandparents are welcome to take this survey! We value the input of all Seward residents. Please follow this link to take the survey: For more information, contact Leigh Ray, secretary of the Seward Schools Site-Based Council at

By Elly Ray

Invitation to Take Community-Wide Survey

February 26, 2013 – 6:29 am

Your Voice Our SchoolsYOUR VOICE, OUR SCHOOLS The Seward Middle School forecasts low enrollment in the coming years and seeks to stabilize its programs and staffing. Out of six scenarios being discussed, one is to move the 6th grade from the elementary school to the middle school. All community members, including teenagers, people without children, and grandparents are welcome to take this survey! We value the input of all Seward residents. Please follow this link to take the survey:  For more information, contact Leigh Ray, secretary of the Seward Schools Site-Based Council at

School District Budget Meeting Tonight – in Seward

February 19, 2013 – 11:25 am

School district representatives will be presenting budget information tonight, beginning at 6 PM in the Seward High School library.  PUBLIC WELCOME. Here are some reasons why you might wish to be there, which relate to the budget in one way or another:

  1. The school district and the teacher’s union are still negotiating terms for a new contract.
  2. The middle school is trying to figure out solutions to its low enrollment projections.
  3. The pupil-to-teacher ration may increase.
  4. The legislature is in session and its outcomes affect the budgets of school districts across Alaska.

Your Voice, Our Schools

January 12, 2013 – 9:12 am
The Seward Middle School forecasts low enrollment in the coming years and seeks to stabilize its programs and staffing. One concept being discussed is moving the 6th grade from the elementary school to the middle school. All community members are welcome to come and share their thoughts and offer suggestions or alternatives during the upcoming  meeting on February 12th, 2013, at the Middle School, 7 PM. For more information, contact Leigh Ray, secretary of the Seward Schools Site-Based Council at
your voice our schools


For more information, contact Leigh Ray, secretary of the Seward Schools Site-Based Council at
By Elly Ray